Thursday, November 7, 2019

Jury Duty essays

Jury Duty essays Jury system is a trial system that twelve citizens decide whether defendants are guilty or is unanimous. The jurors are all laypersons , as far as law is concerned. There is a reason verdict. If one jury is against the verdict,it is regarded as being room for doubt. are direct participation of American people, conventional judgement by people, fair stage resistance against polictics' and judical plot, and making of democratic consciousness. public prosecutor submit unlawful proof without trial permission, counsel makes an judge can't admit counsel's objection. Defendant is at a disadvantage. However, there is a jury system will check rotting of trial. Jurors need not explain reason of verdict to court. of investigation is dirty and viorate human rights, they can decide the defendant is can decide defendant is innocent even if a public prosecutor has disadvantageous proofs Juries who are representative of citizen make the decision value about proof. But, Jerome delegates of legal realists, criticized jury system in Law irresponsible juries' products of caprice and prejudice, for example, the defendant is a rich plaintiff is a poor boy and the counsel is an eloquent speaker. Such facts often decide who He characterizes that juries have tendency to like weak people and hate strong people. to have many problems. A sophisticated and rich person, a person of position and a busy not want to become a juror, because juries are bound for all trial period and therefore afford time for trial can become a juror, such as a housewife, an old person and an ...

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